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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 40, Issue 4, pp. 1291-1724

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Boundary Behavior of Solutions of a Class of Genuinely Nonlinear Hyperbolic Systems

Julian Gevirtz

pp. 1291-1336

Asymptotic Stability of Ascending Solitary Magma Waves

Gideon Simpson and Michael I. Weinstein

pp. 1337-1391

Energy Transport by Acoustic Modes of Harmonic Lattices

Lisa Harris, Jani Lukkarinen, Stefan Teufel, and Florian Theil

pp. 1392-1418

Concentration Phenomena in a Nonlocal Quasi-linear Problem Modelling Phytoplankton I: Existence

Yihong Du and Sze-Bi Hsu

pp. 1419-1440

Concentration Phenomena in a Nonlocal Quasi-linear Problem Modelling Phytoplankton II: Limiting Profile

Yihong Du and Sze-Bi Hsu

pp. 1441-1470

On $p$-Harmonic Map Heat Flows for $1\leqp<\infty$ and Their Finite Element Approximations

John W. Barrett, Xiaobing Feng, and Andreas Prohl

pp. 1471-1498

Global Existence of Some Infinite Energy Solutions for a Perfect Incompressible Fluid

Ralph Saxton and Feride Tiğlay

pp. 1499-1515

Breaking of Symmetrical Periodic Solutions in a Singularly Perturbed KDV Model

Alexander Tovbis

pp. 1516-1549

Rise of Correlations of Transformation Strains in Random Polycrystals

Leonid Berlyand, Oscar Bruno, and Alexei Novikov

pp. 1550-1584

The Periodic Unfolding Method in Homogenization

D. Cioranescu, A. Damlamian, and G. Griso

pp. 1585-1620

On the Asymptotic Stability of Small Nonlinear Dirac Standing Waves in a Resonant Case

Nabile Boussaid

pp. 1621-1670

Analysis of Model Equations for Stress-Enhanced Diffusion in Coal Layers. Part I: Existence of a Weak Solution

Andro Mikelić and Hans Bruining

pp. 1671-1691

Asymptotic Stability of the Stationary Solution for a Hyperbolic Free Boundary Problem Modeling Tumor Growth

Shangbin Cui

pp. 1692-1724